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June 23, 2011

June 18, Home

The Richelieu River leads to a canal then to the Seaway. I had planned to stop in Chambly about 7 miles from Montreal because of the high water on the Seaway. So this was going to be my last day since Chambly was less than 20 miles away.

I packed my stuff one last time. I stuffed my wet tent without ceremony. I did not engage in any sort of serious effort to tie everything securely.

I was quite giddy at the idea of going home. I knew that I was now better acclimated to sailing then to life on Plateau Mont-Royal and wondered about how my return to normal urban life would go.

I got to the canal in St-Jean before noon. I tied to the docks next to the canal and walked to the dock master’s house to ask him how the canal worked. I knew that I had to pay a fee.

When I found the dock master, he looked at me and told me that there would be no payment problem since the locks were closed due to the water level. Everything was still flooded.

I was in the suburbs of Montreal and it immediately it dawned on me that my trip was over.

  1. Alan Mapes permalink

    Glad you made it home safely. Let us know how it goes as you re-enter the other world.


  2. James gagnon permalink

    Quite a journey man, you must really love to travel. And we thought you were crazy driving to the RI coast to spearfish with the guys.. LOL

    cheers, Jimmy

  3. Max Doner permalink

    Congratulations! Epic trip! I followed you every step (every paddle?) (every puff of air?) of the way, and really enjoyed the chronicle! You have accomplished the trip of a lifetime. All respect and applause to you! Thank you so much for sharing your adventure with us!

  4. Scott permalink

    Congratulations Renee!

  5. CAVENDISH62 permalink

    Congratulations Rene! It´s been great to follow your trip from the Canary Islands, Spain. Thanks very much for sharing your experiences with us. I wish to do something similar one day. Looking forward to hearing from you: I´m quite sure you´ve got so many things still to “say”… thanks again

  6. Thanks, I will eventually reverse the blog to it’s chronological order so people can consult it from beginning to end and perhaps use it as a guide.

    I also plan to write a proper intracoastal guide for kayaks for Falcon and I’m still looking for an editor for the story (writing it will be a tall order). Subscribers to my blog will get a notice.

  7. doug raymond permalink

    Hey–You did it!!! Congatulations!! Hope you put it all in a book while it is all still fresh in your mind. Don’t leave out the little details. Especially the camping and AI stuff. —-Really enjoyed following your travels.

  8. Congratulations Rene! It was very nice meeting you and your commentary and photos were grand indeed. I guess you will start the trip back to Miami any day. Just kidding.


  9. Rene,

    Congratulations on your long trip. I would like to see more pictures of the places that you have been, once you have time to rest.

    Paul (DogsLife)

  10. Chekika permalink

    CONGRATULATIONS! That was some trip!

    Keith (Chekika)

  11. George Junkin permalink


    Congratularions! Great Trip! We enjoyed having dinner with you while you were at Indian River Inlet in Delaware.

    George & Barbara Junkin
    South Bethany, Delaware

  12. Olivier Lauzon permalink

    Congratulations René! It seems like that was a pretty epic journey. Looking forward to hearing all the juicy details sometime soon. I’ll see you in RI this summer. Cheers, mate.

  13. Mike Cavanaugh permalink

    Congrats on a great trip. Al & I were sorry that we were not able to meet you as you went through Albany/Troy/Waterford. I was away and didn’t see your message in time.

  14. Awesome, that was really nice . Welcome home!!!

  15. Kathleen Tell permalink

    Congratulations, René! Must be great to be home. Bay Head is packed with its summer residents. They, too, seem glad to be home and we’re awfully glad to have them! It was great meeting you. Come visit the next time you’re in the area.
    The Tell Family
    Bay Head, NJ

  16. Félicitations René !

    It was an inspiration to read and because of you and this journey, i’ve started kayaking while spearfishing!

    great passions that you communicate, thanks !

    • Thanks David,
      Right now, I’m writing the story in proper chronological form with all the details I could not include in a blog since I simply did not have the opportunity to really get the details accross while writing in my tent on 15 minutes of batteries life 😉 I may be looking for an editor in a short while.

      Are you the boxer?

  17. Lee permalink

    What an awesome effort René. Look forward to reading the book when its published and seeing more of the wonderful pictures you took while on your journey.

    Kia Kaha

  18. J’ai jamais vu quelqu’un vivre sa liberté autant que cela. J’espère seulement qu’elle ne vous tuera pas.
    Vous êtes un “cas”.

    Que dire? bravo! ou peut être maudit fou!



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