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Bible Parade

November 28, 2012

As I stepped off the Eau Gallie Bridge, I passed by a sign inviting me to a Bible Parade. The women in the car next to me had a homemade sign that said “Jesus hates fags”. On the radio, a man was reading an obscure passage from the Bible’s Book of Numbers about a talking donkey.

Had I not been in Melbourne, these religiousities would have been strange coincidences, but around here all you can hear on the radio is conservative commentaries, Bible study, preachers or Top-40 music. The only radio news source is Fox. You have to drive a bit to get NPR and the local station mostly plays music.

I was tempted to attend the Bible parade. What is a Bible parade anyway? Would I have been able to score some cardigan wearing 30 year old virgins?

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