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Motoring to Miami

December 19, 2012

On the 17th I took my new manifold for a ride to Virginia Key. Since the wind was wrong for a sea passage I motored all the way to Miami. Motoring the intracoastal at 5 mph is as much fun as being stuck in traffic with gastric cramps. To make matters worse, the canal between Fort Lauderdale and Miami has a zillion bridges. Most of the bridges opened without too much fuss except for one. The man in charge at the 79th street bridge simply ignored me. I had heard of bridge attendants sometimes being a bit strange and refusing to open if they were not hailed in time or in a certain fashion, but I had honed my bridge etiquette going through all those previous bridges. I turned and I turned and it’s only when another boat showed up and asked that he finally opened. I worried he would close on my boat as I passed but he waited.

From → Xyz

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